
SID Bank is a national promotional development bank authorised to render long-term financial services that complement the market in various areas as laid down by the Slovene export and development bank act (ZSIRB), which are important for Slovenia’s sustainable development.

The fundamental activity pursued by SID Bank is funding market gaps, such as:

  • development of small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurship,

  • research, development and innovations,

  • environmental protection, energy efficiency and climate change,

  • international business transactions and international economic cooperation,

  • regional development,

  • economic and public infrastructure.

SID Bank renders all financial services in order to generate direct or indirect added value for the users of such services in line with the purpose and goals of individual transactions without pursuing the goal of generating maximum profit. During the pursuit of its activities, it does not pose competition to other financial institutions on the market. To achieve the goal of non-competition, SID Bank also applies the principle of equal access or non-discrimination of all users of the SID Bank's financial services and the transparency of the services provided, compliance of operations and operating results.

Call us at +386 1 200 75 00 or e-mail us at

where SID bank was present in 2021
mill €
volume of credit portfolio in 2021
mill €
volume of INSURANCE portfolio IN 2021
15. July 2024

SID Bank, the European Investment Fund, and the Croatian Development Bank HBOR have become cornerstone investors in the first technology innovation fund in Slovenia and Croatia.

24. April 2024

Publication of SID Bank's annual report for...

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